Arts & Cultures 2020 – #21 – Digital download


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Annual magazine. Anthology of Non-Western arts, texts by various specialists.

296 pages, 299 colour and 66 B/W illustrations, 9 maps.

Published by Musée Barbier-Mueller.


Laurence Mattet:  Editorial

Laurence Mattet:  Interviews with Gabriel Barbier-Mueller, Stéphane Barbier-Mueller and Thierry Barbier-Mueller

Nigel Barley:  Coming to Terms with the Ancestors

Manthia Diawara & Terri Geis:  The New Sacred Since André Breton and Edouard Glissant

Jean-Loïc Le Quellec:  Shamanism and Rock Art

Matteo Campagnolo:  The Portrait of the Sovereign on Currency, Its Origin and Development during the Reformation in France

Stéphen Rostain:  The Shaman Was a Woman

Nimrod Bena:  The Utensil Possesses Me

Alain-Michel Boyer:  “A God Dances within Me”.The Spirituality of the Yaure

Louis Perrois:  Ancestors and Spirits in the Traditions of Gabon

Jan Elsen:  Bird’s-head Axes, the Secret Society, and Initiation Rites

Bertrand Goy:  In Southern Madagascar, Fesira, an Antanosy Sculptor

Régis Gayraud:  Rediscovering Charles Vignier

Estelle Niklès van Osselt & Marie Orsi:  An Ode to the Ancestors.Two Chu Culture Artefacts

Timour Claquin Chambugong:  Sociocultural Conceptions, Representations and Practices among the Garo

François Pannier:  Buddhist Rituals and Persian Influences on Display in Two Masks from the Barbier-Mueller Collection

Ok-Kyung Pak:  Shamans and Divers Turn Despair into Hope, and Distress into Abundance on the Island of Jeju, Korea

Adrien Viel:  Preliminary Note on the Chepang of Nepal and Their Territory

Antonio Guerreiro:  A Tale of ‘Two Doors’ from the Indonesian Archipelago: Bahau Saa’ and Toraja Sa’dan.

Jean-Marie Hosatte: Corine Sombrun. The Trance and Science

Laurence Mattet: Activities of the Museum and the Cultural Foundation

Gisèle Gueller:  The Watcher on the Bench

Tributes to Monique Barbier-Mueller:  Silvia Bächli, Gilles Barbier, Miquel Barceló, Alain-Michel Boyer, Farideh Cadot, Paolo Colombo, Max Engammare, Adelina von Fürstenberg-Herdringen, Patricia Myriam Isimat-Mirin, Emilia & Ilya Kabakov, Eberhard W. Kornfeld, Stéphane Martin, Joachim Pissaro, Markus Raetz, Jacques Toubon, Fabienne Verdier, Bob Wilson.

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English, French